If you're just getting started with Java programming, you might be wondering what inheritance is and how it works. Inheritance is a key concept in object-oriented programming (OOP), and it allows you to create relationships between different classes of objects. In this article, we'll take a look at the different types of inheritance in Java, with examples for each.
Types Of Inheritance
are five types of inheritance in object-oriented programming Java:
inheritance is when a subclass inherits from only one superclass. Multiple
inheritance is when a subclass inherits from more than one superclass.
Hierarchical inheritance is when a subclass inherits from more than one
superclass, but there is a hierarchy or " lineage " among the
Single Inheritance
is one of the key features of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It allows us
to create a relationship between classes, where one class can inherit the
properties and methods of another class.
Java, there are two types of inheritance: single and multiple. In this article,
we'll focus on single inheritance.
single inheritance, a child class can only inherit from one parent class. For
example, if we have a class hierarchy like this:
Vehicle {}
class Car extends Vehicle {}
Car class can only inherit from the Vehicle class. It cannot inherit from any
other class.
Example of Single Inheritance
is one of the key concepts in object-oriented programming. It allows us to
create relationships between classes, and to reuse code between them.
this article, we'll take a look at inheritance in Java, with some clear
examples to help illustrate how it works.
inheritance is when a class inherits from just one other class. For example,
let's say we have a class called Vehicle, and we want to create a subclass
called Car. The Car class would inherit all the methods and fields from Vehicle,
but could also have its own methods and fields that are specific to cars.
Multilevel inheritance
Multilevel inheritance is a type
of inheritance in which one class inherits from another class, which in turn
inherits from yet another class. In other words, it involves a chain of
inheritance in which multiple classes inherit from each other.
One of the main advantages of
multilevel inheritance is that it allows developers to create hierarchies of
classes, which can be very useful in certain programming scenarios. For
example, if you have a base class and several subclasses, you can create a new
subclass that inherits from one of the subclasses. This can help to keep your
code organized and easy to understand.
Another advantage of multilevel
inheritance is that it can help to reuse code. If you have a base class and
several subclasses, you can create a new subclass that inherits from one of the
subclasses. This way, you can reuse some of the code from the base class and
the subclass that you're inheriting from.
However, there are also some
disadvantages to multilevel inheritance. One potential issue is that it can
make your code more complicated and difficult to understand. Also, if there are
errors in the parent classes, these errors can propagate down to the child
classes, which
Example of Multilevel Inheritance
Inheritance is one of the key
features of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It allows developers to create
relationships between classes and objects, so that code can be reused and
One common example of inheritance
is multilevel inheritance, where a subclass inherits from a superclass, which
in turn inherits from another superclass. In Java, this would look something
like this:
public class Animal {
public class Mammal extends Animal
public class Human extends Mammal
In this example, the Human class
inherits from the Mammal class, which in turn inherits from the Animal class.
This gives the Human class all the properties and methods of both the Mammal
and Animal classes.
Multiple Inheritance
Inheritance is a powerful tool in
object-oriented programming, and Java supports it in a unique way. Java
supports multiple inheritance through interfaces. An interface is like a
superclass, but it can only contain method signatures and constants. A class
can implement any number of interfaces, but can only extend one other class.
This allows for a great deal of
flexibility when designing your class hierarchy. For example, you could create
an interface that represents a vehicle, and have classes that represent cars,
trucks, boats, etc. all implement that interface. Or you could create an
interface that represents a shape, and have classes that represent circles,
squares, triangles, etc. all implement that interface.
The downside to multiple
inheritance is the potential for ambiguity. If two superclasses have a methods
with the same signature, the subclass will have to explicitly specify which
method it wants to use. This can be difficult to understand and maintain, so
it's generally best to avoid multiple inheritance if possible.
Example of Multiple Inheritance
Inheritance is a powerful feature
in object-oriented programming languages like Java that allows developers to
easily reuse code and extend the functionality of existing classes.
One common use case for
inheritance is creating subclasses that inherit the functionality of a parent
class, but add their own unique twist. This is known as multiple inheritance.
For example, let's say you have a
base class called Animal that contains basic information about animals, like
their weight and height. You could then create subclasses for specific types of
animals, like Cat and Dog, that inherit the functionality of Animal but add
their own unique attributes, like fur color or breed.
Multiple inheritance can be a
great way to extend the functionality of existing classes without having to
write a lot of new code. However, it can also lead to problems if not used
carefully. For example, if two subclasses inherit conflicting methods from a parent
class, it can be difficult to figure out which method should be used.
Overall, multiple inheritance is
a powerful tool that can be used to great effect in Java programming. When used
wisely, it can save you a lot of time and effort by allowing you to reuse
existing code. Just be careful not to overuse it,
Hierarchical Inheritance
Inheritance is a fundamental
concept in object-oriented programming, and Java supports it in a very natural
way. Inheritance allows us to create hierarchical relationships between
classes, so that we can reuse code and avoid duplication.
Inheritance is often thought of
in terms of parent and child classes, where the child class inherits the
functionality of the parent class. However, inheritance can also be thought of
more generally as one class taking on the characteristics of another class.
In Java, a class can inherit from
another class by using the extends keyword. For example, consider the following
public class Parent {
//Parent class code goes here
public class Child extends Parent
//Child class code goes here
In this example, the Child class
inherits from the Parent class. This means that the Child class has all of the
same methods and variables as the Parent class, plus any additional methods and
variables that are defined in the Child class.
Example of Hierarchical Inheritance
Inheritance is one of the key
concepts in object-oriented programming. It allows you to create a relationship
between classes, where one class can inherit the properties and behavior of
another class.
One common type of inheritance is
hierarchical inheritance. Hierarchical inheritance occurs when there is a
parent-child relationship between classes, where the child class inherits from
the parent class.
For example, let's say you have a
base class called Vehicle. This class could contain properties like
numberOfWheels and color. You could then have child classes that inherit from
Vehicle, such as Car and Truck. These child classes would inherit the
properties of Vehicle, but could also have their own unique properties, like
Car having a property called numberOfDoors.
Hierarchical inheritance is a
powerful tool that can help you create more efficient and reusable code. In
Java, you can use the extends keyword to indicate that one class is inheriting
from another class.
Hybrid Inheritance
In object-oriented programming,
hybrid inheritance is a combination of two or more types of inheritance. Hybrid
inheritance is generally implemented using a mix of interface and abstract
One practical example of hybrid
inheritance is a class hierarchy in which some subclasses inherit from a
superclass, while others inherit from an interface. This can be useful when you
want to create a common base class that can be used by both concrete classes
and interfaces.
For example, consider a class
hierarchy for shapes. You might have an abstract Shape class, with subclasses
such as Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle. You might also have an Interface
class, with subclasses such as Colorable and Movable.
Some classes in the hierarchy
would inherit from Shape, while others would inherit from Interface. This would
give you the flexibility to create both concrete classes (such as Circle) and
interfaces (such as Colorable).
Example of Hybrid Inheritance
In object-oriented programming,
hybrid inheritance is a combination of two or more types of inheritance. In
Java, hybrid inheritance is achieved by using interfaces.
Interfaces are like classes, but
they only contain method signatures and constants. An interface can be
implemented by any class, even if that class doesn’t inherit from any other
A class can implement multiple
interfaces, but it can only inherit from one superclass. This means that a Java
class can have multiple parents (via interfaces), but only one direct parent
(via inheritance).
Here’s an example of hybrid
inheritance in Java:
interface A {
void doSomething();
interface B {
void doSomethingElse();
class C implements A, B { // Hybrid inheritance!
@Override public void
doSomething() { ... }
@Override public void
doSomethingElse() { ... } }